Source code for moyopy.interface

from __future__ import annotations

    import ase
    from pymatgen.core import Element, Structure
    from import MSONAtoms
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError("Try installing dependencies with `pip install moyopy[interface]`")

import moyopy

[docs] class MoyoAdapter: @staticmethod
[docs] def get_structure(cell: moyopy.Cell) -> Structure: species = [Element.from_Z(number) for number in cell.numbers] return Structure(lattice=cell.basis, species=species, coords=cell.positions)
[docs] def get_atoms(cell: moyopy.Cell) -> ase.Atoms: atoms = ase.Atoms( cell=cell.basis, scaled_positions=cell.positions, numbers=cell.numbers, pbc=True, ) return atoms
[docs] def from_structure(structure: Structure) -> moyopy.Cell: basis = structure.lattice.matrix positions = structure.frac_coords numbers = [site.specie.Z for site in structure] return moyopy.Cell( basis=basis.tolist(), positions=positions.tolist(), numbers=numbers, )
[docs] def from_atoms(atoms: ase.Atoms) -> moyopy.Cell: basis = list(atoms.cell) positions = atoms.get_scaled_positions() numbers = atoms.get_atomic_numbers() return moyopy.Cell( basis=basis, positions=positions, numbers=numbers, )
[docs] def from_py_obj(struct: Structure | ase.Atoms | MSONAtoms) -> moyopy.Cell: """Convert a Python atomic structure object to a Moyo Cell. Args: struct: Currently supports pymatgen Structure, ASE Atoms, and MSONAtoms Returns: moyopy.Cell: The converted Moyo cell """ if isinstance(struct, (ase.Atoms, MSONAtoms)): return MoyoAdapter.from_atoms(struct) elif isinstance(struct, Structure): return MoyoAdapter.from_structure(struct) else: cls_name = type(struct).__name__ raise TypeError(f"Expected Structure, Atoms, or MSONAtoms, got {cls_name}")