An entry containing space-group information for a specified hall_number. |
Magnetic space-group type information. |
Preference for the setting of the space group. |
Space-group type information. |
A dataset containing magnetic symmetry information of the input collinear magnetic |
A dataset containing symmetry information of the input crystal structure. |
A dataset containing magnetic symmetry information of the input non-collinear magnetic |
Module Contents#
- class moyopy._moyopy.Cell(basis: list[list[float]], positions: list[list[float]], numbers: list[int])[source]#
- property basis: list[list[float]]#
- property positions: list[list[float]]#
- property numbers: list[int]#
- property num_atoms: int#
- class moyopy._moyopy.CollinearMagneticCell(basis: list[list[float]], positions: list[list[float]], numbers: list[int], magnetic_moments: list[float])[source]#
- property basis: list[list[float]]#
- property positions: list[list[float]]#
- property numbers: list[int]#
- property magnetic_moments: list[float]#
- property num_atoms: int#
- class moyopy._moyopy.NonCollinearMagneticCell(basis: list[list[float]], positions: list[list[float]], numbers: list[int], magnetic_moments: list[list[float]])[source]#
- property basis: list[list[float]]#
- property positions: list[list[float]]#
- property numbers: list[int]#
- property magnetic_moments: list[list[float]]#
- property num_atoms: int#
- class moyopy._moyopy.Operations[source]#
- property rotations: list[list[list[float]]]#
- property translations: list[list[float]]#
- property num_operations: int#
- class moyopy._moyopy.HallSymbolEntry(hall_number: int)[source]#
An entry containing space-group information for a specified hall_number.
- property hall_number: int#
Number for Hall symbols (1 - 530).
- property number: int#
ITA number for space group types (1 - 230).
- property arithmetic_number: int#
Number for arithmetic crystal classes (1 - 73).
- property hall_symbol: str#
Hall symbol.
- property hm_short: str#
Hermann-Mauguin symbol in short notation.
- property hm_full: str#
Hermann-Mauguin symbol in full notation.
- class moyopy._moyopy.MagneticSpaceGroupType(uni_number: int)[source]#
Magnetic space-group type information.
- property uni_number: int#
Serial number of UNI (and BNS) symbols.
- property litvin_number: int#
Serial number in Litvin’s Magnetic group tables.
- property bns_number: str#
BNS number e.g. ‘151.32’
- property og_number: str#
OG number e.g. ‘153.4.1270’
- property number: int#
ITA number for reference space group in BNS setting.
- property construct_type: int#
Construct type of magnetic space group from 1 to 4.
- class moyopy._moyopy.Setting[source]#
Preference for the setting of the space group.
- class moyopy._moyopy.SpaceGroupType(number: int)[source]#
Space-group type information.
- property number: int#
ITA number for space group types (1 - 230).
- property hm_short: str#
Hermann-Mauguin symbol in short notation.
- property hm_full: str#
Hermann-Mauguin symbol in full notation.
- property arithmetic_number: int#
Number for arithmetic crystal classes (1 - 73).
- property arithmetic_symbol: str#
Symbol for arithmetic crystal class.
See spglib/moyo for string values.
- property geometric_crystal_class: str#
Geometric crystal class.
See spglib/moyo for string values.
- property crystal_system: str#
Crystal system.
See spglib/moyo for string values.
- property bravais_class: str#
Bravais class.
See spglib/moyo for string values.
- property lattice_system: str#
Lattice system.
See spglib/moyo for string values.
- property crystal_family: str#
Crystal family.
See spglib/moyo for string values.
- moyopy._moyopy.operations_from_number(number: int, *, setting: Setting | None = None) moyopy._base.Operations [source]#
- class moyopy._moyopy.MoyoCollinearMagneticDataset(magnetic_cell: moyopy._base.CollinearMagneticCell, *, symprec: float = 0.0001, angle_tolerance: float | None = None, mag_symprec: float | None = None, is_axial: bool = False)[source]#
A dataset containing magnetic symmetry information of the input collinear magnetic structure.
- property uni_number: int#
UNI number for magnetic space-group type.
- property magnetic_operations: moyopy._base.MagneticOperations#
Magnetic symmetry operations in the input cell.
- property orbits: list[int]#
The `i`th atom in the input magnetic cell is equivalent to the `orbits[i]`th atom in the input magnetic cell. For example, orbits=[0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2] means the first two atoms are equivalent and the last four atoms are equivalent to each other.
- property std_mag_cell: moyopy._base.CollinearMagneticCell#
Standardized magnetic cell.
- property std_linear: list[list[float]]#
Linear part of transformation from the input magnetic cell to the standardized magnetic cell.
- property std_origin_shift: list[float]#
Origin shift of transformation from the input magnetic cell to the standardized magnetic cell.
- property std_rotation_matrix: list[list[float]]#
Rigid rotation.
- property prim_std_mag_cell: moyopy._base.CollinearMagneticCell#
Primitive standardized magnetic cell.
- property prim_std_linear: list[list[float]]#
Linear part of transformation from the input magnetic cell to the primitive standardized magnetic cell.
- property prim_std_origin_shift: list[float]#
Origin shift of transformation from the input magnetic cell to the primitive standardized magnetic cell.
- property mapping_std_prim: list[int]#
Mapping sites in the input magnetic cell to those in the primitive standardized magnetic cell. The `i`th atom in the input magnetic cell is mapped to the `mapping_to_std_prim[i]`th atom in the primitive standardized magnetic cell.
- property symprec: float#
Actually used symprec in iterative symmetry search.
- property angle_tolerance: float | None#
Actually used angle_tolerance in iterative symmetry search.
- property mag_symprec: float | None#
Actually used mag_symprec in iterative symmetry search.
- class moyopy._moyopy.MoyoDataset(cell: moyopy._base.Cell, *, symprec: float = 0.0001, angle_tolerance: float | None = None, setting: moyopy._data.Setting | None = None)[source]#
A dataset containing symmetry information of the input crystal structure.
- property number: int#
Space group number.
- property hall_number: int#
Hall symbol number.
- property operations: moyopy._base.Operations#
Symmetry operations in the input cell.
- property orbits: list[int]#
Spglib’s crystallographic_orbits not equivalent_atoms.
The `i`th atom in the input cell is equivalent to the `orbits[i]`th atom in the input cell. For example, orbits=[0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2] means the first two atoms are equivalent and the last four atoms are equivalent to each other.
- property wyckoffs: list[str]#
Wyckoff letters for each site in the input cell.
- property site_symmetry_symbols: list[str]#
Site symmetry symbols for each site in the input cell.
The orientation of the site symmetry is w.r.t. the standardized cell.
- property std_cell: moyopy._base.Cell#
Standardized cell.
- property std_linear: list[list[float]]#
Linear part of transformation from the input cell to the standardized cell.
- property std_origin_shift: list[float]#
Origin shift of transformation from the input cell to the standardized cell.
- property std_rotation_matrix: list[list[float]]#
Rigid rotation.
- property pearson_symbol: str#
Pearson symbol for standardized cell.
- property prim_std_cell: moyopy._base.Cell#
Primitive standardized cell.
- property prim_std_linear: list[list[float]]#
Linear part of transformation from the input cell to the primitive standardized cell.
- property prim_std_origin_shift: list[float]#
Origin shift of transformation from the input cell to the primitive standardized cell.
- property mapping_std_prim: list[int]#
Mapping sites in the input cell to those in the primitive standardized cell.
The `i`th atom in the input cell is mapped to the `mapping_to_std_prim[i]`th atom in the primitive standardized cell.
- property symprec: float#
Actually used symprec in iterative symmetry search.
- property angle_tolerance: float | None#
Actually used angle_tolerance in iterative symmetry search.
- class moyopy._moyopy.MoyoNonCollinearMagneticDataset(magnetic_cell: moyopy._base.NonCollinearMagneticCell, *, symprec: float = 0.0001, angle_tolerance: float | None = None, mag_symprec: float | None = None, is_axial: bool = True)[source]#
A dataset containing magnetic symmetry information of the input non-collinear magnetic structure.
- property uni_number: int#
UNI number for magnetic space-group type.
- property magnetic_operations: moyopy._base.MagneticOperations#
Magnetic symmetry operations in the input cell.
- property orbits: list[int]#
The `i`th atom in the input magnetic cell is equivalent to the `orbits[i]`th atom in the input magnetic cell. For example, orbits=[0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2] means the first two atoms are equivalent and the last four atoms are equivalent to each other.
- property std_mag_cell: moyopy._base.NonCollinearMagneticCell#
Standardized magnetic cell.
- property std_linear: list[list[float]]#
Linear part of transformation from the input magnetic cell to the standardized magnetic cell.
- property std_origin_shift: list[float]#
Origin shift of transformation from the input magnetic cell to the standardized magnetic cell.
- property std_rotation_matrix: list[list[float]]#
Rigid rotation.
- property prim_std_mag_cell: moyopy._base.NonCollinearMagneticCell#
Primitive standardized magnetic cell.
- property prim_std_linear: list[list[float]]#
Linear part of transformation from the input magnetic cell to the primitive standardized magnetic cell.
- property prim_std_origin_shift: list[float]#
Origin shift of transformation from the input magnetic cell to the primitive standardized magnetic cell.
- property mapping_std_prim: list[int]#
Mapping sites in the input magnetic cell to those in the primitive standardized magnetic cell. The `i`th atom in the input magnetic cell is mapped to the `mapping_to_std_prim[i]`th atom in the primitive standardized magnetic cell.
- property symprec: float#
Actually used symprec in iterative symmetry search.
- property angle_tolerance: float | None#
Actually used angle_tolerance in iterative symmetry search.
- property mag_symprec: float | None#
Actually used mag_symprec in iterative symmetry search.