Source code for

"""Group-theory related functions."""

from __future__ import annotations

from itertools import product

import numpy as np

from spgrep._constants import ATOL
from spgrep.utils import (

[docs] def get_cayley_table( rotations: NDArrayInt, time_reversals: NDArrayInt | None = None ) -> NDArrayInt: """Calculate Group multiplication table. Parameters ---------- rotations: array[int], (order, 3, 3) time_reversals: (Optional) array[int], (order, ) Returns ------- table: (order, order) ``table[i, j] = k`` if ``rotations[i] @ rotations[j] == rotations[k]`` """ order = rotations.shape[0] if time_reversals is None: time_reversals = np.zeros((order,), dtype=np.int_) operations_list = [ (ndarray2d_to_integer_tuple(r), tr) for r, tr in zip(rotations, time_reversals) ] table = [[-1 for _ in range(order)] for _ in range(order)] for i, (ri, tri) in enumerate(zip(rotations, time_reversals)): for j, (rj, trj) in enumerate(zip(rotations, time_reversals)): rk = ri @ rj trk = tri != trj k = operations_list.index((ndarray2d_to_integer_tuple(rk), trk)) if table[i][j] != -1: ValueError("Should specify a matrix group.") table[i][j] = k return np.array(table)
[docs] def get_identity_index(table: NDArrayInt) -> int: """Return index for identity of group.""" order = table.shape[0] for i in range(order): if np.all(table[i, :] == np.arange(order)): return i raise ValueError("Unreachable!")
[docs] def get_inverse_index(table: NDArrayInt, idx: int) -> int: """Return index of inverse of ``idx`` element in ``table``.""" order = table.shape[0] id_idx = get_identity_index(table) for i in range(order): if table[idx, i] == id_idx: return i raise ValueError("Unreachable!")
[docs] def get_order(table: NDArrayInt, idx: int) -> int: """Return order of element ``idx`` in ``table``.""" id_idx = get_identity_index(table) ret = 1 tmp = idx while tmp != id_idx: tmp = table[tmp, idx] ret += 1 return ret
[docs] def is_matrix_group(rotations: NDArrayInt) -> bool: """Return True iff given integer matrices forms group.""" try: table = get_cayley_table(rotations) except ValueError: return False # Check if each element appears only once in a row order = rotations.shape[0] for i in range(order): if set(table[i]) != set(range(order)): return False return True
[docs] def get_factor_system_from_little_group( little_rotations: NDArrayInt, little_translations: NDArrayFloat, kpoint: NDArrayFloat, ) -> NDArrayComplex: r"""Calculate factor system of projective representation of little co-group. .. math:: D^{\mathbf{k}}_{p}(S_{i}) D^{\mathbf{k}}_{p}(S_{j}) = \exp \left( -i \mathbf{g}_{i} \cdot \mathbf{w}_{j} \right) D^{\mathbf{k}}_{p}(S_{k}) where :math:`S_{i}S_{j} = S_{k}` and :math:`\mathbf{g}_{i} = S_{i}^{-1} \mathbf{k} - \mathbf{k}`. Parameters ---------- little_rotations: array, (order, 3, 3) Linear parts of coset of little group stabilizing ``kpoint``. little_translations: array, (order, 3) Translation parts of coset of little group stabilizing ``kpoint``. kpoint: array, (3, ) Returns ------- factor_system: array, (order, order) Factor system of representations of little co-group that have one-to-one correspondence to small representations """ n = len(little_rotations) residuals = np.zeros((n, 3)) for i, rotation in enumerate(little_rotations): # Never take modulus! residuals[i] = rotation.T @ kpoint - kpoint factor_system = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=np.complex128) for i, residual in enumerate(residuals): for j, translation in enumerate(little_translations): factor_system[i, j] = np.exp(-2j * np.pi *, translation)) return factor_system
[docs] def get_little_group( rotations: NDArrayInt, translations: NDArrayFloat, kpoint: NDArrayFloat, atol: float = ATOL, ) -> tuple[NDArrayInt, NDArrayFloat, NDArrayInt]: """Return coset of little group of given space group which stabilize kpoint under rotations. Parameters ---------- rotations: array, (order, 3, 3) translations: array, (order, 3) kpoint: array, (3, ) Returns ------- little_rotations: array, (little_group_order, 3, 3) little_translations: array, (little_group_order, 3) mapping_little_group: array, (little_group_order, ) Let ``i = mapping_little_group[idx]``. ``(rotations[i], translations[i])`` belongs to the little group of given space space group and kpoint. """ little_rotations = [] little_translations = [] mapping_little_group = [] for i, (rotation, translation) in enumerate(zip(rotations, translations)): residual = rotation.T @ kpoint - kpoint residual = residual - np.rint(residual) if not np.allclose(residual, 0, atol=atol): continue little_rotations.append(rotation) little_translations.append(translation) mapping_little_group.append(i) return ( np.array(little_rotations), np.array(little_translations), np.array(mapping_little_group), )
[docs] def check_cocycle_condition( rotations: NDArrayInt, factor_system: NDArrayComplex, ) -> bool: """Return true if given factor system satisfies the cocycle condition.""" if not is_matrix_group(rotations): return False rotations_int = [ndarray2d_to_integer_tuple(r) for r in rotations] for i, j, k in product(range(len(rotations)), repeat=3): jk = rotations_int.index(ndarray2d_to_integer_tuple(rotations[j] @ rotations[k])) ij = rotations_int.index(ndarray2d_to_integer_tuple(rotations[i] @ rotations[j])) if not np.isclose( factor_system[i, jk] * factor_system[j, k], factor_system[ij, k] * factor_system[i, j] ): return False return True
[docs] def decompose_by_maximal_space_subgroup( rotations: NDArrayInt, translations: NDArrayFloat, time_reversals: NDArrayInt, ) -> tuple[list[int], list[int], int] | None: r"""Coset-decompose magnetic space group :math:`M` by its maximal space subgroup (XSG) :math:`D(M)`. If given magnetic space group is type I, return None. .. math:: M = D(M) \sqcup D(M) a_{0} Returns ------- xsg_indices: list[int] List of indices for XSG time_reversal_indices: list[int] Let ``xsg_indices[i]`` = :math:`(\mathbf{W}_{i}, \mathbf{w}_{i})`. Then, ``time_reversal_indices[i]`` :math:`\equiv (\mathbf{W}_{i}, \mathbf{w}_{i}) a_{0}`. a0_idx: int Index of :math:`a_{0}` in given list of symmetries """ if np.all(time_reversals == 1): # Type-I MSG return None # Search for coset representative conjugator_rotation = None conjugator_translation = None a0_idx = -1 for i, (rot, trans, tr) in enumerate(zip(rotations, translations, time_reversals)): if tr == 0: continue conjugator_rotation = rot.copy() conjugator_translation = trans.copy() a0_idx = i break # Map XSG to time-reversal operations order = len(rotations) xsg_indices: list[int] = list(np.arange(order)[time_reversals == 0]) time_reversal_indices = [] for i in xsg_indices: rot = rotations[i] trans = translations[i] # (W, w) (R0, v0) = (W @ R0, W @ v0 + w) new_rot = rot @ conjugator_rotation new_trans = rot @ conjugator_translation + trans for j in range(order): if time_reversals[j] == 0: continue if not np.allclose(new_rot, rotations[j]): continue diff = np.remainder(new_trans - translations[j], 1) diff -= np.rint(diff) if np.allclose(diff, 0): time_reversal_indices.append(j) break return xsg_indices, time_reversal_indices, a0_idx